Date of meeting - CIO Amendments

Provide the date of the change

This is the date that will be entered on the public register of charities.

You need to tell us the date that the change became effective. The date a change takes effect depends on the type of change. If the change does not need authority, it will take effect on either:

  • the date your charity’s members pass the members’ resolution, or
  • a later date you set out in your members’ resolution.

If the change does need authority it will take effect on either:

  • the date that they are registered with the Charity Commission; or
  • a later date you set out in your members’ resolution which must be after the Commission has registered the change.

You cannot register regulated alterations until the Commission gives its authority for the change.

By continuing you confirm that the change has been made in accordance with the requirements of your governing document and/or the relevant statutory powers. You can find further guidance on making the change on our website: Changing your charity's governing document (CC36)