CIO Companies Trustee Benefits Success


Your change request is acceptable. A confirmation email has been sent to:

  1. the address entered when completing the request; and
  2. the email address provided by the charity for all correspondence.

To complete the process you must now follow the steps below:

  1. The charity should pass a resolution in order to make this change. You can advise us of the date the resolution was passed by coming back to this service and selecting the “provide date” option next to the change request on the dashboard;
  2. You will then need to upload a PDF copy of the resolution which records the decision to make the change. You will be able upload the resolution by returning to the dashboard and selecting the “upload documents” option next to the change request;
  3. Alternatively, you can cancel this request by returning to the dashboard and selecting the cancel option next to the change request

Please note, the change will not be reflected on the Charity Commission’s records, including the charity’s entry on the public register displayed on the website, until the required documents have been uploaded.