Benefits clause

Trustee Benefit - standard clause


Benefits and payments to charity trustees and connected persons

(1) General provisions

No charity trustee or connected person may:

(a) buy or receive any goods or services from the charity on terms preferential to those applicable to members of the public;

(b) sell goods, services or any interest in land to the charity;

(c) be employed by, or receive any remuneration from, the charity;

(d) receive any other financial benefit from the charity; unless the payment is permitted by sub-clause (2) of this clause, or authorised by the court or the Charity Commission ('the Commission').


In this clause, a 'financial benefit' means a benefit, direct or indirect, which is either money or has a monetary value.


(2) Scope and powers permitting trustees' or connected persons' benefits

(a) A charity trustee or connected person may receive a benefit from the charity in the capacity of a beneficiary of the charity provided that a majority of the trustees do not benefit in this way.

(b) A charity trustee or connected person may enter into a contract for the supply of goods and/or services to the charity where that is permitted in accordance with, and subject to the conditions in the Charities Act 2011 (as amended).

(c) A charity trustee or connected person may receive interest on money lent to the charity at a reasonable and proper rate which must be not more than the Bank of England bank rate (also known as the base rate).

(d) A charity trustee or connected person may receive rent for premises let by the trustee or connected person to the charity. The amount of the rent and the other terms of the lease must be reasonable and proper. The charity trustee concerned must withdraw from any meeting at which such a proposal or the rent or other terms of the lease are under discussion.

(e) A charity trustee or connected person may take part in the normal trading and fundraising activities of the charity on the same terms as members of the public.


(3) In sub-clauses 1 and 2 of this clause:

(a) 'the charity' includes any company in which the charity:

(i) holds more than 50% of the shares; or

(ii) controls more than 50% of the voting rights attached to the shares; or

(iii) has the right to appoint one or more trustees to the board of the company.